Article: “Isothermal Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA) of E. coli gDNA in commercially fabricated PCB-based microfluidic platforms”

The NCSR “Demokritos” team published part of the work carried out in DIAMOND in a peer reviewed article entitled “Isothermal Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA) of E. coli gDNA in commercially fabricated PCB-based microfluidic platforms”, M. Georgoutsou-Spyridonos, M. Filippidou, GD Kaprou, DC Mastellos, S. Chatzandroulis, A. Tserepi, Micromachines 12, 1387 (2021).

8th Management Meeting

On 17-01-2022 the eighth Management meeting of the project was held. The release of all deliverables was checked and the successful finalization of the project was declared. All four project partners participated in the meeting.

Completion of deliverable D4.3

On 25-11-2020, deliverable D4.3 was completed: “Τhe Integration testing of the web application with the PoC, regarding operation, and the collaboration between the web application, the instrument and the users was tested and released”.

7th Coordination/ Management Meeting

On 7-10-2021 the seventh Coordination (Technical) Meeting, covering also Managerial issues was held, with a six-month review of the project’s technical progress and time-schedule, and the preparation of the participation at the 2nd Innovation Forum co-organized by the Hellenic-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany on November […]

Nanomaterial based flow sensing device for microfluidic systems

The NTUA team has just submitted (May 2021) the work entitled “Nanomaterial based flow sensing device for microfluidic systems” for presentation at the 47th International Conference Micro Nano Engineering 2021, to take place in Torino, Italy, 20-23 September 2021.